October 12, 2009

She Who Gathers Tears is up for auction!

Ok, I did it. I finally broke down and listed "She Who Gathers Tears" on ebay. You can check her out here. I always get to queezy when I put one of my dolls up for sale. It's almost like selling my kids! So if you would, stop by and check her out. Maybe yours could be the new home she is looking for. I hope she finds someone wonderful!

October 5, 2009

Studio , Spiders, and Stuff, Oh My!

I have been promising and promising to post studio photos so I thought perhaps I should make good on that promise. Please ignore the spiders. They pay their rent and tidy up when I'm finished, so we get along fine.

It's nothing fancy. Just a basement with all my toys and goodies in it, but it's all mine.

Things are clean !!! I managed to purge so many things that were just taking up space. I passed them on to artists who could use them to make their own magic. Then my ever so generous daughter gave me shelves and storage. WOOHOO! Love that kiddo, I do!

So everything finally has a place and the spiders and studio sprites try to keep everything in it's place.

I really must get some more lighting. (Hint to anyone that is buying me birthday or Christmas/Yule gifts... I need Ott lights! Take up a collection - pool your money!)

I have enough light to work, but it would be so wonderful to have full spectrum lighting. :::sigh::: Some day, but for now, I'm just happy to have my own little corner of the Under-dark.

See I have all my little glasses lined up with my pencils, pens and markers. That way I can grab my sketch book anytime an idea flutters by. Like this one:

Yes, Virginia, I really do have a sketch book and I intend to start posting some sketches for you to check out. I do think I will scan them though. This picture didn't turn out very well. She will be another wood piece. I found the twig while weeding my other flower garden. That would be the one that I had to weed before the neighbors began a campaign to declare it a wilderness reclamation site. I'm so embarrassed. LOL Maybe next year I'll be energetic and get a real flower/herb garden started.

The lovely tapestry was a gift from my "Music Man". I'm so lucky to have such a wonderfully supportive partner. If I had made a list of everything I wanted in a man and lit a few candles, ::giggle:: the result would have been my Music Man. How did I get so lucky?

This little guy is Poe. He has been my creative familiar since 1998. He's a little warn and missing a few (read LOTS of) feathers, (not unlike me) but I wouldn't know what to do without him. He keeps an eye on the place and makes sure the spiders & studio sprites do there job. I also discuss new ideas with him. He has a really interesting point of view and a warped sense of humor. I'll spare you the "Nevermore" joke he told me last week. :::cringe:::

So if you would, keep checking back with us. Poe & I would love to have you by, anytime. Just don't step on the spiders.

Moonbeams & Blessings,