May 10, 2012

Now There Be Dragons!!!!

There is a new group of beings at Once-Upon-A-Moon. 
They are called Crescent Creatures. 

Each and every time a TRULY heartfelt wish is made while looking at the moon, a little magic slips down to earth on a moonbeam and a Crescent creature is brought to life. 

Crescent Creatures are tiny beings that are born with the sole purpose of helping to make wishes come true. You can tell you have a real Crescent Creature by the crescent moon "tattooed" in moonlight on their tushie! 

This is Sprig, the first Crescent Creature. 

He is a mini dragon. (Thanks to the urging of Pam Gileda Small )

Don't forget, Mac and I love it when you "Pin" our photos, so feel free. 

Moonbeams & Blessings, 
Jesi  &  Mac, 
bug slayer extraordinaire 


  1. Oh my God, isn't he precious! Does he have a moon tattoo on his hiney?

    1. Yes he does, Barbara. :) I'll have to add a photo of it. I'm so happy you like him. He's my first dragon and I must say, I'm hooked!
